Friday • February 26th | 7:00pm – 11:00pm
The Lounge at Revolution Gallery welcomes you to another evening of incidental music by dj Dr. Wisz, as he spins his alt / new wave / punk / goth vinyl (with featured music by Echo and the Bunnymen) during our dinner hours from 7:00pm to 11:00pm. Seating is very limited, so make a reservation to attend and enjoy the latest additions to our menu – new food items, and wine and beer selections. We welcome and hope to accommodate walk-ins, too!
Or… Pre-order your curbside pickup order by 1200pm on WEDNESDAY, February 24th. And pickup either Friday, February 27th between 6:00pm and 8:00pm, or Saturday, February 6th between 4:00pm and 6:00pm.
All guests will be required to properly wear masks (covering nose to chin) when moving about the gallery, to use restroom, view artwork, or picking up their To Go order. Guests also need to properly wear masks when walking to a table, or anytime they are standing and moving about the gallery. Masks may be removed when visitors are seated at their table to enjoy their drinks and food. 4 people maximum is allowed at a table on the patio. All alcohol and food orders will be served to attendees at the tables by Revolution staff, as there will NOT be walk-up bar service available.
Doors to the outside will be open intermittently to keep airflow moving about the gallery. We will make sure the radiators are turned up!
Tables and chairs may not be moved from their spot for any reason.
All guests will be required to properly wear masks (nose to chin) when entering the patio, when going inside gallery to use restroom or to view artwork from our latest exhibit “Paradise Lost” – a group show with original artwork by Matthew Couper, Gerlanda di Francia, Katie Gamb, Jason Hernandez, and Ana Luna. Guests also need to properly wear masks when walking to their reserved table or anytime they are standing and moving about the gallery or patio. Masks may be removed when visitors are seated at their designated table to enjoy their drinks and food.